First Day Back- March 8

It was so great to be back together in person. We spent a lot of time running, jumping, climbing and exploring today. We used our digital cameras to capture signs of spring around campus. We found crocuses, daffodils, cherry blossoms, and buds. We welcomed Willow and Carter into our community today too.

Classroom Environments

Dear Otters,

We’ve been busy at school this week getting our classrooms ready for you to arrive! This year we will have access to three different classrooms- our inside Otter classroom, Mr. Mark’s college classroom (now redesigned for us!), and our cedar classroom in the Brim Family Outdoor Classroom. We will be splitting into smaller pods of learners to visit these spaces throughout the day. Our classrooms are still missing the most important element- YOU! We can’t wait to welcome you back to school on Monday.


Ms. Aja and Ms. Susan

Last Day of Whole Class Zoom

This year has been quite a journey so far. I’ve been incredibly impressed with our Otter students’ resilience and creativity. Starting the year online was unprecedented and challenging at times. And yet, with grace, determination, and persistence, WE DID IT! We’ve created a loving, supportive community of learners. We are thrilled to transition to in-person learning next week while continuing to provide online support for those families who wish to continue learning from home. Here are some photos from our last whole class Zoom meeting.

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Goofy Otters on Zoom

Goofy Otters on Zoom