Fish Eggs and Sun Prints
/ Aja AppelWe’ve been busy learning all about Oregon! Students shared more of their Flat Stanley photos from around Oregon. Last week we took a virtual field trip to TMK Creamery. We learned about Oregon dairy farms and got to see different kinds of cows being milked. This week, we had a visit from Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. They brought us approximately 200 salmon eggs that we get to raise in a fish tank in our classroom. We sketched the eggs and recorded our observations in our thinking books so that we can document how the salmon change over time. Salmon are one of Oregon’s keystone species and we can’t wait to learn more about these interesting creatures. We did an art project that depicted birch trees in autumn. Birch trees are one of the many trees that are native to Oregon. Ms. Fern came in to teach us about a huge Oregon employer and research center: OHSU. Mr. Derrick came in to talk to us about Nike, another of Oregon’s important employers. Mr. Derrick talked about the importance of following your dreams and showed students some innovative new shoe technology. This week we took advantage of a sunny, fall day to create sun prints with Ms. Libby. Students worked both individually and in groups to arrange nature and loose parts to create these sun print art pieces. Nine students had an opportunity to participate in this project so far and the rest will have an opportunity in the coming days. Other highlights over the last couple of weeks were our music making with Ms. McKenzie, our outdoor explorations, and our engineering endeavors. Our October has been packed with fun and learning so far. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost the end of the month already…