Peaceful Otters
/This week the Otters began to talk about peace. Each day we spent time on activities related to peace that helped us define what it is and what it means to each of us, as well as a whole class. We each shared different ideas of actions that were both peaceful and not peaceful depending on the context or tone of voice used in speaking. We also spent time reflecting on what peace meant to us individually. For some it was taking a walk in nature and for others they shared ways they described peace, such as being kind, helpful, friendly, etc. Ask you student to share with you what peace means to them.
We also listened to the book I Am Peace, by Susan Verde and each wrote two pages for our own peace book. Another way we explored peace this week was by creating two different collaborative pieces of art. We enjoyed using our hands and watercolors on one of them and brainstormed ideas for adjectives that described peace in our classroom, which we then wrote inside the shape of a dove for another.
On Friday, we read and talked about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his dedication to peace. We got to listen to some audio clips of this I Have a Dream speech and we talked about what we believed his dream was as a class. We also wrote down what our own dreams are for peace in the world and shared them with each other. In the next few weeks we will talk about just and unjust actions, as well as learn about rights and responsibilities.