The Skeletal System & Amazing Brain
/This week we started to talk about healthy bodies in the Otter class! There was a lot of interest in this topic recently and a lot of questions about our bones so we started our study by learning more about the skeletal system. We read some really interesting books and watched a couple videos about our skeletons, which included a very fun song that helped us learn some of the major bones in our bodies! We were so surprised to learn just how strong our bones are! Did you know that humans have the same number of neck bones as a giraffe? This fun fact amazed us!
We also created scientific illustrations of our skeletons and labeled the major bones in our bodies, in addition to working with a partner to measure various body parts to estimate how long certain bones in our bodies are. We then worked to organize our bones by length and tried to estimate how tall we each are by adding the length of our bones all together.
In addition to having a lot of questions about our skeletons, we also had many wonderings about how we learn and create, store, and retrieve memories so we had a very special guest speaker, Mr. Mark, come in and help us better understand our questions about the brain! He showed us some really interesting videos that showed us how our brain works and sends and receives information from our body! It was definitely one of the highlights of our week!