Otter Ice Cream Store
/We have been learning coin names and values, and practicing counting change. One of our favorite ways to practice counting money is by purchasing ice cream from our Otter Ice Cream Shop. In order to order ice cream Otters must count out the correct amount of change. Otters take turns running the ice cream shop too. You can invite your child to help you count change at home. He/she can help with purchases at the farmer’s market or grocery store. Some families choose to give their child a small weekly or monthly allowance to provide children with additional practice counting and saving money.
We have also been learning about geography. A couple of our Otter community members are moving this summer. One student is moving to Seattle and another to Australia. Several others are traveling to different cities, states, and countries this summer. For these reasons, Otters have been interested in learning more about states and countries. We’ve been finding places on the map and globe and learning the Fifty Nifty United States song.