Tillamook Forest Field Study
/ Aja AppelLast week we ventured into the Tillamook Forest for an in-depth field study. Our young scientists rotated to four different stations and went on a short hike to a fish overlook area. Here were the stations students visited:
Nurse Log - We practiced noticing tiny details as we examined nurse logs in various stages of decay. Students used macro lens to get a closer look.
Animal Homes Exploration- We examined the types of animals that make their home in our coastal temperate rainforests. Students located the homes and habitats of various mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds and fish. We also read the book Where Would I be in an Evergreen Tree?
Tree Identification- We learned how to use a dichotomous key to correctly identify a variety of evergreen tree species. Students explored characteristics such as leaf/needle shape, bark, etc.
Layers of the forest- Students discussed the characteristics and layers of a temperate rainforest. We recorded notes about what we noticed on the forest floor, in the understory, and in the canopy of the temperate rainforest as we climbed the fire tower. We also discussed what life would have been like for the “cloud girls” who were lookouts in the fire tower in the mid-1900s.
(More photos to come as I received them from teachers and parent volunteers)
More photos received 11/26…