Bread celebration and Davis Good-bye

On Thursday Henry’s mom, Mollie, came in to make rolls with us for Friday’s Bread Celebration. On Friday we gathered as a whole school to hear the teachers read “The Little Red Hen” and enjoy bread baked by all four classes. We sampled white bread, pumpkin muffins, gingerbread, and dinner rolls. The bread was delicious and the time spent with our community was even better.

This week we read about holiday traditions from around the world. We wrote about our own family traditions and shared our traditions with the class. 

Today was Davis’ last day with us before he moves. We watched a slideshow of photos of Davis with his Otter friends. Then we presented him with his first grade memory book. Classmates came up to read Davis the letters they wrote him. We ended our time together by singing So Long and We Wish You Well. We will miss him very much. We plan to keep in touch through letters. Today we also had a disco dance party and indoor snowball fight with the Whales. We love being playful with our friends. 

We had a game day this morning and practiced counting our money at the popcorn stand. We collaborated to build a large rigamajig structure and we have been keeping a close eye on our alevin. We did a guided story with meditation movements with Ms. Jessica that allowed us to envision what the salmon release will be like and we thought about our hopes for our salmon. We also tidied up our classroom and scrubbed our tables so that we will come back to a fresh, clean start in the new year.