Collaborating with the Whales
/ Aja AppelWe have been busy Otters this week! We’ve been reading and writing, planning and organizing materials for our Remeda studio, learning to upload and review our photos/video, building numbers, adding large numbers, building structures, creating art, and reading lots and lots. We took our first field trip to the library where Nathan showed us how to find books at the Forest Grove Library. He reminded us how to choose books that are a just right fit and explained the Dewey Decimal system. In our outdoor classroom we found an interesting looking green spider. We took photographs so we could identify him using our field guides. A team of students designed a wooden hot lava obstacle course that has inspired much fun and laughter. We continued to talk about our brains and our nervous system. Today we got to do our first collaborative project with the Whales. We read a book about peace and brainstormed what peace looks like, sounds like, and feels like. We worked in teams to design posters depicting peace. We talk about how we can bring to our bodies and to the world. Tomorrow we will be joining a campus-wide peace gathering.