Invention Week 2
/Here are some of the things our Otters have been up to this week…
Finn has been studying and designing maps for a Pokeman region he’s creating. He’s also been planting seeds.
Henry has been inventing games, making clay figures outside, and building with Dominoes and Legos.
Landon has been playing in a grassy field, working on his toy invention, reading Harry Potter, playing multiplication bump, and writing letters. He also invented a nerf basketball game.
Max decorated an Elephant and Piggie Egg
Carina finished the book Crenshaw, played hopscotch, and practiced writing contractions.
Ivan invented a balloon launcher.
Sawyer made a Rube Goldberg contraption.
Max invented a car that can actually stick on the window.
An Otter invented a cup game. Each cup is labeled with a different number. After you throw the ball, you add up the points on all the cups you knock over. Player with the most points at the end wins the game.
Max created a Rube Goldberg contraption that ended up depositing Grover into a box.
Neil and Jayne invented a Rube Goldberg Contraption to get marbles into a cup!
Margaux invents a Rube Goldberg contraption that reveals a birthday poster for her dad.
ELC alumnus, Katie, creates her own Rube Goldberg contraption using marbles works and train tracks.
Carina invented a Rube Goldberg contraption that deposits an egg into her mouth- yum!
Landon invented a game called “foam basketball”. Each hoop is worth a different number of points and you play by bouncing a foam ball and trying to make it in one of the hoops. First one to twenty points wins!