Rockets and Volcanoes

Today we continued exploring chemical reactions. Ms. Siera filled a soda bottle rocket with vinegar and then added some baking soda. When the vinegar and baking soda interacted, a chemical reaction occurred. This reaction released carbon dioxide gas. As the carbon dioxide bubbles built up in the bottle, the pressure increased until there was enough pressure to pop the cork and launch the rocket into the sky! You can hear the excitement from our young scientists in the videos below. Afterwards, students used the play dough we made yesterday to create volcanoes. We filled the volcanoes with vinegar and baking soda. When the chemical reactions occurred in the volcanoes, the CO2 gas caused a fizzing and bubbling reaction. During this exploration our scientists made predictions, closely observed the reactions, and recorded their findings.

In other news, we were excited to discover a small bird egg in our outdoor classroom. We continued working on our math assessments and practiced our science spelling words. Pod 2 read about Sonia Sotomayor.