Quadrilla Structures

Our student engineers began exploring and building with wooden Quadrilla tracks this morning. Below you’ll find some of their first structures. It will be interesting to see how their designs evolve over time.

Today other engineers used Magnilates to create multi-level structures to house their lego creations. This morning we also had our coin math assessment. Students are becoming quite proficient at counting coins and understanding coin values. Clayton taught us an awesome trick for identifying nickels- nickels have no ridges along the edges, while quarters and dimes do have ridges. So cool! Next Pod 1 will be learning how to solve story problems using tape diagrams. Pod 2 will be learning how to solve multi-step, complex problems involving counting money. At outside choice time students used bamboo rods to playfully spar without making contact. This afternoon during writer’s workshop we met in our peer review groups to share our research so far and to solicit suggestions from fellow writers. After each student shared a research page, they got to hear each peer in their group give a compliment and a suggestion for improvement. Students had multiple chances to think of quality compliments and helpful suggestions. After our peer review meetings, student authors had a chance to make the changes to their research notes. They edited their words, added to the pictures, and developed more details. It’s fun working together to become stronger writers!