Valentine's Day and Sea Lion Play
/ Aja AppelThis week we continued our exploration of light. We used flashlights to determine whether objects were transparent, translucent or opaque. We figured out that many objects have shadows caused by light being blocked. We played and experimented to determine how to make shadows appear larger, smaller, and in different places.We examined the differences in shadows created by opaque, translucent, and transparent objects. We read an interactive ebook published by the National Science Teaching Association called The Amazing Light Show. This week in writers' workshop we've been working on letter writing. We've learned how to write a greeting, the body of a letter, and a closing. Students have been paying careful attention to their writing conventions and penmanship. Their hard work is paying off and I've noticed huge improvements in student writing. We wrote goodbye letters to our trout and birthday letters to Sebastian and Laurence. This week we also had a Valentine's Day party and got to see the Sea Lion play called The Three Bears and Goldilocks.