Pi Day and Leprechaun Playgrounds

We packed so much fun into this four day week! On Monday we celebrated pi day with a variety of mathematical explorations and with delicious pie. We learned about Fibonacci's sequence, created math art, went on a math walk, and measured the circumference and diameter of many circles with Ms. Ren. This week we also read a book called One Grain of Rice that explores a doubling sequence that continues over thirty days and culminates with over five million grains of rice. In addition, we constructed leprechaun playgrounds, hotels, and traps. Students were disappointed to not catch any leprechauns yesterday, but were delighted with the chocolate coins they left. We were ecstatic to have the water pump in our sandbox turned back on this week and many engineers spent time constructing sand and waterways in our outdoor classroom. On Thursday we played new board games brought in by community members and wrote secret letters to classmates that will be mailed over spring break. We celebrated Morgan's birthday and welcomed Ms. Stephanie back into our classroom. Ms. Stephanie is a teacher candidate in Pacific's MAT program. She will be joining us full time for the next ten weeks! Have a wonderful spring break and we will see you on March 28th.