Gardening and Rock Collections
/ Aja AppelThis week we've been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather. Mr. Mark came in to teach us more about the six gardens in our outdoor classroom: the meadow, the pollinator garden, the fern garden, the pond, the roof garden, and the bioswale. He taught us about the native plants that are growing in these gardens. Yesterday afternoon students got to help plant more native species in our gardens. In writer's workshop we've been discussing various story elements as students plan their next writer's workshop stories. We've discussed character, setting, conflict/resolution, and main events. We've also been discussing how adjectives and interesting descriptions can enhance our writing. Ms. Stephanie and I have been working with individual students on their geology pre assessments so we have an accurate measure of what students already know and where we should focus our energy during our geology unit. Today students brought in their rock collections to share with the class as we kick off our geology unit. This week students designed challenging parkour courses in our outdoor classroom.