/ Aja AppelIt was great fun to see children in their costumes on Monday and students were excited to parade around Berglund Hall. On Tuesday many students wrote about their Halloween adventures. This week we received Flat Stanley updates about Flat Food Dragon in Idaho, Flat Jen in San Francisco, and Flat Sunny in NYC. We've been learning about the weather, daily routines, and architecture in those places. Some hosts even helped our Flat Stanleys make Halloween costumes! We created spooky maps this week and learned about cardinal roses. We used cardinal directions to place items on our maps. Students also started using Google Earth to find landmarks and other places in our community (and abroad). We examined different paper maps, including a 3D elevation map. This morning one of our fish eggs hatched and it is now in the alevin stage of development. We watched it wiggle its tail to emerge from the egg. The fish is currently swimming around the tank with his egg sac attached for nourishment. We are expecting more eggs to hatch tomorrow! We used our microscopes to examine a few non-viable eggs that didn't develop properly. We also got to examine a bumblebee under the microscope. During our morning meeting we answered more investigation questions and learned about how clouds form. Several students remembered a lot about clouds from their time as a Whale. Student engineers were thrilled to have the Rigamajig pieces back in our classroom this month (we share them with the Sea Lions). In the remeda area artists have been creating people and “mad scientists” out of corks and other materials. Today we took a rainy walk around campus and students brought in several interesting items to share during our community gathering.