Chalk Art Festival
/ Aja AppelOn Monday afternoon we took our first walking field trip to check out the chalk art from last weekend’s Chalk Art Festival downtown. We admired the creative, detailed, and vibrant chalk art! Several Otters showed us the art they had created for the festival. Then we headed back to campus to create our own chalk art. Mr. Mark visited our classroom to present photos and videos of the construction of our new play structure. We got to see design sketches and some videos of the construction vehicles in action. During outside time this week we learned how to play Sharks and Minnows. A group of students came together to write and perform cheers and songs for our community. It’s been exciting to see new and returning Otters begin to develop friendships with new classmates. Students also found several insects which we examined with great interest.
Our classroom is full of many inquisitive minds! Our students have been coming up with so many great questions that we started a class poster called Questions to Investigate. As students think of questions, they write them on a sticky note and add them to our question poster. Each day at our morning meeting we use books, articles, or videos to find the answer to our questions. This week we discovered answers to our questions about where plastic comes from, where glass comes from, how pencils are made, and what is the autumnal equinox. In math we continued our exploration of doubles and practiced counting by twos. Together we created an Otter shoe board game that allows students to practice doubling numbers. We used rekenreks as math tools to prove our answers. We talked about how we can use the double facts we already know to figure out the answers to “double +1” problems. For example, since 4+4=8, then 4+5 must equal 9. We ended our week together with sharing time and a read aloud of Brave Irene.