Salmon Release at Rood Bridge
/ Aja AppelOn Thursday before winter break we took a class field trip to Rood Bridge park to release our salmon. Throughout November and December we watched these tiny fish grow from eggs into alevin, and then into swim-up fry. The swim-up fry had depleted their egg sacs and needed to be released into the river so they could find food. Throughout our salmon study we learned about the salmon migration path that these fish will take from the Tualatin River, to the Willamette River, to the Columbia River, and all the way to the Pacific Ocean. These fish will face many dangers along the way. At Rood Bridge students carefully released the fish into the river and then we gathered as a group to share good-bye letters and well-wishes for our fish. Then students broke into small groups to explore the nature park with an adult chaperone. We enjoyed a snack and playing on the playground before returning to school. A huge thank you to Mr. Mark for helping us raise these salmon and for documenting our field trip.