Plant Explorations

This week students continued planting in our outdoor classroom and took care to water their plants on hot days. Students have also been doing much plant research and writing. We continue to be impressed with how much our students’ writing has improved this year! Our praying mantises are getting larger by the day and have been feasting on fruit flies and some larger insects now. Yesterday students worked individually or in partners to design an experiment to test what plants need to survive. Student scientists were careful to change only one variable in their experiments so that the results could be accurate. Today we began discussing the growing conditions that specific plants require. Students began to sketch and examine the requirements of plants in these five gardens: pollinator garden, meadow, pond, fern garden, and bioswale. We will continue this exploration next week. On Monday students added a new entry in their nature journals. This week we also spent a lot of time working on a top secret gift for our moms. We can’t post photos though, because we don’t want to ruin the surprise!