Creating a Model Community Using 3D Shapes
/This week students had an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of important community places AND their understanding of 3D shapes as they collaborated to create a 3D city out of recycled materials. Students worked individually or in partners to decide on an important place that should be included in our community. They used a variety of materials from our Remeda studio to create their structures. Students meticulously added details to their creations and many students returned to this project over the course of several days during their morning project time. After constructing their buildings, students wrote about why their place is important to the community. Next week students will collaborate to lay out our city and it will be available for parents to see during Thursday evening’s Celebration of Community. This week we also continued working on our community mural. Students used a variety of art materials to create people, pets, friends, houses, and trees for our mural. This week we were delighted to watch the Sea Lion class perform four “funky fairy tales”. These were familiar fairy tales retold from another character’s perspective. For example, the Three Little Pigs was told from the wolf’s perspective and Jack and the Beanstalk was told from the giant’s perspective. What fun! This inspired the Otters to want to perform their own play. After we finish our community mural, we will begin working on our own reader’s theater production. During writer’s workshop this week 16 students published stories to add to our classroom library. Each author got to share his/her story with the class and receive compliments from classmates. We ended the week with our ELC potluck. Students had a fabulous time playing with friends, painting pumpkins, and eating yummy food. How lucky we are to be part of such a warm, caring community!