Stone Soup
/ Aja AppelThis week we got to participate in one of our beloved ELC traditions- making Stone Soup. Throughout the week we read five different versions of this classic tale. We read Stone Soup by Marcia Brown, Stone Soup by Heather Forest, Quill Soup by Alan Durant, Cactus Soup by Eric A. Kimmel, and Bone Button Borscht by Aubrey Davis. We compared and contrasted the different versions of the tale. In all versions of the story, the villagers came together with each person adding a little something to create a delicious soup. That’s exactly what we did in our ELC community. Each child brought a small something to contribute and this morning classes across the school worked on chopping vegetables to add to our stone soup. At noon we gathered as a community to hear Mr Mark read Stone Soup before sitting down together to enjoy a stone soup feast. It turns out the magic ingredient in Stone Soup is sharing. With full tummies and happy hearts, we spent the afternoon reflecting on our Stone Soup feast and wrote a reflection piece for our memory books. Earlier this week students added final touches to our Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock set and practiced their play a couple more times. Students are incredibly excited to present their play to the ELC community next Monday afternoon. In addition, the rest of our salmon eggs hatched this week and we learned about the egg and alevin stage of salmon development. Students used what they learned to create detailed pages for their scientific salmon books. It’s been immensely gratifying to watch the growth in students’ writing from the beginning of the year until now. I hope they are proud of all their hard work.
*Thank you to Mr. Mark for sharing some of the photos he took during the Stone Soup feast.