Salmon Explorations and Sunny Fall Days
/ Aja AppelIt’s hard to believe that December is already upon us. As usual, our classroom has been a bustling, joyful place. Students have been immersed in their study of the salmon life cycle and nonfiction writing. Last week we learned about the parr and smolt stages of development. Students have been editing their writing pages with teachers and parent volunteers and are becoming increasingly skilled spellers. Students also created sharpie line drawings of various salmon life cycle stages to add to a salmon mural that we are creating. Inside our fish tank our alevins are developing quite nicely! They are becoming increasingly active and we love watching them swim around the tank. On Thursday afternoon students completed a writing sample to compare their growth in writing from September until now. It was quite exciting to see the growth in penmanship, amount of writing produced, spelling, and conventions since the beginning of the year. A huge thank you to our volunteers who come in each week to help our students learn and grow! We enjoyed several cold, sunny days on campus last week. Students loved playing in leaves and swinging on our campus swing.