We Are All an Important Piece of the Puzzle!
/ Aja AppelDuring week 2 we continued to build classroom community and get to know our friends in class. We had fun working on collaborative artwork, playing team games, as well as participating in small group work during various classroom activities.
As we focused on building community, we also explored our own individual creativity and bringing out the inner artist in each of us. We made dot art in honor of the annual Dot Day and shared our dots with different friends in class. We also created self-portraits that celebrated the things that make us uniquely who we are. We read A Bad Case of Stripes, by David Shannon, and talked about the importance of being true to ourselves.
We also got to buddy read, where we got to read our favorite stories with a friend. This was by far one of the highlights of the week! We were also really excited to finally use our personal writing folders during writer’s workshop and we started writing thank you letters to Mr. Herb, who oversaw the building of the Cedar Classroom. We had a GREAT second week!