Trout Mural

On Monday and Tuesday our trout eggs hatched and we now have somewhere around 250 alevin resting in our tank. Students were assigned groups to work on a trout life cycle art project. Each group of four students was in charge of creating an art piece and writing to describe a life stage of a trout: egg, alevin, fry, parr, and adult. This project required students to collaborate to decide what art materials to use and how to depict the background. After creating the background each student added an egg or fish to the art piece. A student writer in each group transcribed the group’s description of the life stage. This life cycle art piece will be on display at the Forest Grove library for the next few weeks. This week students also worked on creating friendship cards to distribute to friends during our friendship celebration. Several parent volunteers came in to help students publish their Inspiring Individuals booklets. In addition, students have been sending postcards and letters to students in other classes using the post office in our creative play room. Some Otters have received card deliveries from children in other classes too! In numeracy we've been learning how to play a game called Knock Out. This game helps students gain practice decomposing numbers and solving problems with multiple addends. Our buddy reading time continues to be a highlight of our week. I've noticed many Otters reading with great expression and fluency. Ms. Tracy came in on game day Friday to run our popcorn stand and help students with their coin counting.