Trout Eggs Arrive

We were delighted to have a surprise visit from Rebecca this week. There were many hugs and exclamations of excitement as Otters reconnected with their friend. Students were also excited to discover ice in our outdoor classroom throughout the week. We had an interesting discussion about states of matter and tracked fluctuations in temperature throughout the week in order to predict whether water in our pond would freeze each night. During our numeracy block students collaborated with a partner to answer mathematical questions about a block structure, then they created their own block structures and developed mathematical questions for classmates. Through answering these questions students practiced their skills in writing, counting, addition, subtraction, mathematical vocabulary for 3d shape names, and proving answers. We’ve also been working on strengthening measurement skills. We’ve discussed common errors people make when measuring items and then students practiced measuring a variety of materials around the classroom. On Wednesday our trout arrived. We now have  250+ trout eggs in our tank and students have been keeping a close eye on their development. We watercolored the background of our Frida Kahlo art pieces and most students finished their booklets on inspiring individuals. Otters enjoyed reading with their preschool buddies, taking another trip to the library, and celebrating Miles’ birthday this week as well.