Space Unit Guest Speaker and Earth Day

Last week Emerson’s aunt, Angele, came in to teach us about constellations. Angele is an avid astronomer who works at OMSI’s planetarium. One of our first and second grade science standards is to “use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.” Angele taught us about different constellations. We learned that some constellations are only able to viewed from Oregon at certain times of the year. The night sky looks different depending on the season and where you are located on Earth. We played a game that involved being able to recognized different constellations that Angele laid out on our carpet. Students also had an opportunity to create their own constellations. During our morning meetings last week we explored the answers to students’ investigation questions related to space. Last week we also started our new track and field unit with Coach Mark Ferris. Coach Mark is a retired track and field coach from Glencoe High School. Students learned what the word “coachable” means and began to learn some track and field terminology.  Students had an opportunity to move their bodies in a variety of ways as they completed running, jumping, and relay activities. We get to meet with Coach Mark weekly for the next few weeks as we learn more about track and field events. On Monday we celebrated Earth Day by planting our rainbow garden and coming together for a school-wide after school potluck. Of course, we also enjoyed our music making time with Ms. McKenzie and our reading time with our Seal buddies.