Guest Speaker and Library Trip

This week students began their research projects about their inspiring individuals. Students have been reading a variety of books about their inspiring individuals and are currently working on composing a nonfiction book about those individuals. We will continue working on these nonfiction books next week and then will be sharing the books with the class. This morning an inspiring individual in our own ELC community came to visit our classroom. Nate is a mechanical engineer whose company contracts with NASA to design and test various devices. Nate talked to us about engineering and problem solving. He came in wearing a cool space suit and answered many of our questions. This week we also continued working on our Frida Kahlo art pieces and are almost finished. We read about Martin Luther King and discussed why we have a national holiday celebrating him. Ms. Ren also came in to teach us about Lunar New Year. During project time this week students had an opportunity to begin using learning apps on the iPads. Each student is able to use the iPad during project time one day a week. Prior to using the iPads students must fill out an iPad plan. On the plan they note which app they plan to use and how that app can grow their brains. After they use the iPad, they reflect on their experience and rate themselves on how much they learned and how they did stopping and transitioning off the iPad when it was clean up time. During project time this week other students worked together to publish a class newspaper. Students also had an opportunity to make pizza rolls using a recipe we received from Laurence and Sebastian’s grandparents in West Virgina. Each week Otters will be making a new recipe that we receive from our Flat Stanley hosts across the US and around the world. Yesterday afternoon we took a class trip to the library to choose new books. In our outdoor spaces students have been playing soccer and honing their skills on the monkey bars.